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Biography/C.V.(Curriculm Vitae)and Exhibitsnd


Tamara Van Horn has knows all her life that she was given a divine gift because her mother told her so. Because of her perfectionist tendencies everything she did all her life was transformed into an art form. She has even turned cooking, raising kids and exotic animals into an expression of her artistic personality. After many years of raising a family she finally decided, with much prompted from her friends and relatives, to really focus on exploring other art forms.In the last few years, her passion for the outdoors, photography and oil painting have collided into some award winning pieces. While she never studied art, there was always a raw interest and desire yeaning to get out.


* San Antonio Art League And Museum "85th Annual Artist Exhibition" April 2015

* Gallery On The Square , 314 Wimberly Square, Wimberly, Texas, 78676. Beginning October 2014.

* Natural Selections, 1707 Hunter Road, Gruene, Texas, 78130. Beginning October 2014.

* Coppini Academy of Fine Arts "Members Juried Exhibition November 2014 at The Greenhouse Art Gallery

* Native San Antonio Art Show on Sept 27, 2014 at the Land Heritage Institute,1349 Neal Rd, San Antonio, TX 78264

New Braunfels Art League "Art Of The Hills" show Aug 2014. 

* Coppini Academy of Fine Arts "Members Juried Exhibition November 2013 at The Greenhouse Art Gallery.

* San Antonio Art League And Museum "83rd Annual Artist Exhibition" May 2013.

* River Art Gallery "Annual Juried Artist Exhibit" at Oct 2012 


* New Braunfels Art League Sponsor's Choice Award Artoberfest October 2014

* First Place in 2013 San Antonio Art League and Museum

* 83rd Annual Artist Exhibition Juried Membership Competition 

* Included in The Coppini Academy of Fine Arts 2013 Juried Art Exhibition at The Greenhouse Gallery of Fine Art

* Included in 2012 River Art Group Juried Membership Competition

* Included in 2012 Emily Morgan Juried Art Exhibit

* Best Landscape Oil Painting Award in Oct 2012 River Art Contest

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